STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Nucleo-64-P unexisting pins

I have a NUCLEO-L452RE-P, on the box and on the user manual (UM2206) it show that PD2 is on CN5.4 and PC5 is on CN6.6. But the STM32L452RET6P doesn't have those pins (PD2 and PC5). To what are connected CN5.4 and CN6.6 ?

nicolas by Senior
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STEVAL-ESC001V1 Board Failure

I bought two STEVAL-ESC001V1 a few years ago with the purpose of 1) studying the hardware architecture to make my own drone ESC, and 2) lear how to program it.After 2.5 years of learning (this is part time on top of working a 40-72 hour work week) an...

MMcMa.1 by Associate II
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Unicleo not detecting my board

 I am using STM32 Nucleo F401RE board with X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1. UNICLEO-GUI is not recognizing my board saying no board is connected where as I can see it is connected to my computer as it is listed in devices connected. Please help me in resolving this...

Systick Delay

I was trying to make a hardware delay using STM32 general purpose timers or Systick timer, But I did not get any source (using HAL Library). How to achieve in STM32L4P5-DK.

ajimathew by Associate III
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STM32 Libraries

We are creating a project using the STM32F103C8T6 MCU board with FLIR Lepton 3.5 thermal camera module. We are facing issues in collecting raw data from the module because we couldn't find suitable library in the stm32f1 series. How can I get a libra...

Sushil1 by Associate
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