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I've been trying to implement low power modes on an STM32 L496 (Nucleo board) while using RTOS. I've tried with both freeRTOS and ThreadX. I followed official ST articles/tutorials and the lowest I got so far has been ~250 uA.  So, has anyone been ab...
I've an STLINK-V3SET and while trying to connect with my board, it does detect the chip but I'm unable to debug. Works fine with stm32 programmer but I'm unable to debug program on stm32 cube ide.Connections:STLINK -- BoardGND --> GNDDIO  --> SWDIOCL...
I'm using Nordic's Power Profiler Kit II to measure current of STM32L496ZG MCU on STM32 Nucleo board. I've tried to measure current using JP5 (IDD) as mentioned in the datasheet but current consumption is too high (163uA) considering the fact that I'...
Hello everyone, I'm trying to set all the pins(except 11) of port F of STM32L476 as Analog to save power.   for(uint8_t GPIO_PIN = 0; GPIO_PIN < 16; GPIO_PIN++) { if(GPIO_PIN != 11) GPIOF->MODER |= (3 << (GPIO_PIN * 2)); }  But it resets my progr...
I've implemented STOP 1 mode on STM32L476 using HAL function. The current consumption is >1mA even in STOP mode while I've disabled all the clocks. I'm unable to understand this. 
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