User Activity

Hello, I am using the B-U585-IOT02A board with Zephyr. I can't see how to use the MXCHIP EMW3080 Wi-Fi chip. Has anyone made this work? Thanks
Hello, I am trying to port an existing network application which runs on a Linux device to the B-U585I-IOT02A board. (MCU is STM32U585AIIxQ.)  I need to use the on-board MXCHIP Wi-Fi and mbedTLS. I think I need to use LWIP and FreeRTOS as well.  At t...
Hello. I just started with the B-U585I-IOT02A ("Discovery kit for IoT node with STM32U5 series") board. When I run the out-of-the-box demo, plug in the micro USB, and setup the serial port, I can see the "STM32U5 Webserver Demonstration" banner, the ...
  Hello. I would like to make a new project for the " PRO" board using STM32CubeIDE. It appears that the board is not available. (In the image below, you can see that I have filtered on "box" and only the non-pro device s...
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