I am new to stm32 and i want to know how to send message to pc over usb using a stm32h747, thanks!
EDIT: The program is stopping at _WFI() but the current consumption is too high (3.9mA). I'm using STM32L476 processor and while trying to enter stop mode (tried both with and without tickless mode), the program never waits at _WFI(). Is there a way ...
Hello everyone.. I mistakenly shorted the DAC1 pin on my Nucleo-F446ZE development board with -12V. As a result, when I am trying to power up this board, PWR LED LD6 is not glowing and U4 IC is getting heated up a lot. Also, LD5 over-current LED is g...
Is there an example code to configure the internal VREFBUF on the STMG474RE (Nuclo-G474RE board). to output for example 2.5V to be used by the ADCs. I do not want to use the external reference on the board.ThanksDavid
Hi, I'm using the LoraWan_EndNode and stop2_mode examples, but either way I can't get the datasheet current, 1 μA, but I managed at most to get 21 μA, and usually around 650 μA. What do I need to do to get the right current?
I am using stm32L496zg nucleo board. It got started and worked well. But after I formatted my system, the latop does not recognize it; USB Device not recognized. The last USB device you connected to this computer malfunctioned. Windows does not recog...
As the title says I just got the stm32f429I-disc1, I was really excited but I realized I couldn't start to play with it because there is no usb cable to connect a PC to the board.Is it normal?
Does anyone how to clock the NUCLEO-H753ZI to 480MHz?With this clock configuration it runs perfectly on 400Mhz, if I put the DIVN1 from the PLL1 a little above 200, in order to get a clock speed over 400MHz the board is stuck. STM32CubeMX and STM32Cu...
I have a design were I am trying to use the SMPS regulator in "#4 External SMPS supply" mode. Figure 22 in the RM0399. When I power up the board, the processor was in reset and I couldn't connect. When scoping the output of the inductor (VFBSMPS) t...