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Hi,My board have a BlueNRG-M2 chipset connected to a MCU.I decided to get X-CUBE-BLE2 middleware, and I get SensorDemoBLE application from this latter. My goal is to learn how to use BlueNRG-M2 chipset.There is some configuration that I don...
All in the title.I'm asking this question because I have compilation warning inside a library that I included in my project. And inside the source-code of this library, there is a mention about rules of C MISRA-2004 that are not respected.Here is the...
Hi everyone,I design the BLE (bluetooth low energy) part of my software, for that, I use BlueNRG-1, BlueNRG-2 DK SW package, provided by ST.I included the library (.a) and others source code files (.c) and headers (.h) in my project.But I feel someth...
Hi everyone,Designing the BLE (bluetooth low energy) part of my software, I have to use BlueNRG-1, BlueNRG-2 DK SW package.First of all, I included by hands the library file (.a).But there is a lot of source-code that is not provided in the library (...
In order to design the Bluetooth Low Energy part of my software, I decided to use BLE Profiles_Lib 3.1.3 Library.There is a few folder inside this root folder (BLE_application, BlueNRG1_Periph_Driver, Bluetooth_LE, CMSIS, cryptolib, hal, SDK_Eval_Blu...