STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Is it possible to use the generated 1.2 V of SMPS for another IC, in STM32H7 with the direct SMPS supply configuration?

I want to design a board that has an STM32H7 with internal SMPS and an SSD2828 which needs 1.2 V too.I'm wondering if it is possible to use the internal SMPS of the microcontroller to produce the 1.2 V for Vcore like the below picture and also use th...


stm32f401re channel

Here are the stm32f401re schematics and pinouts. I want to see the timer in channel 1 and use that timer to cooperate in the PWM channel. There are no timers other than channels 1 to 4. However, I only see pwm channel on channels from 5 to 9. How can...

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Zeyu by Associate
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Resolved! Ethernet configuration on STM32F746G-Disco

Hello, I have one STM32F746G-Disco, which works well with TouchGFX (v4.22.1) and STM32CUBEIDE (v1.13.2).However, when I enabled the ethernet and LwIP, then set the PHY to LAN8742 in the LwIP, the display does not work as below. If I did not set the P...

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hbZhao by Associate III
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