STM32 MCUs Motor control

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Forum Posts

MCSDK 6.3.2 is out !

Dear MCSDK users, MCSDK version 6.3.2 is now available: Download It here. This is a bug fix release and here are the main changes for this version: Motor Control Features: FOC Fixed CORDIC Modulus computation in case of negative alpha value Fixed iss...

GMA by ST Employee
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Board Manager documentation is out !

The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on Motor Control Boards Description Wiki page, this documentation is compatible with MCSDK versions from 6.1.2. Board Descriptions are used by the ST motor-control workbench to enabl...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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MCSDK documentation and your feedback

Motor Control Wiki: STM32 Motor Control Knowledge Database - stm32mcuMC Frequently asked questions (FAQ):Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - stm32mcu   The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on the Motor Control Wiki:   Wi...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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Resolved! MCSDK 6.1.1 - Trouble changing default pins

Hello!I'm working on a prototype using FOC, and I got everything working with the following scheme:NUCLEO-F401RE, Custom Power Board, CubeIDE 1.12.1, CubeMX 6.8.0, Motor Pilot 1.1.12 and MCSDK 6.1.2.Now I'm trying to do the same thing but with the ST...

Resolved! loading software issue

I bought the assembly B-G431B-ESC1 to test BLDC motor. I have already installed the software SDK V5.4.8, StmCubeMX and StmCubeID 1.13.0. Unfortunately, when generating the code, there are various errors that I can't figure out. Also, how can I load t...

Rajabi by Associate
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Resolved! SVPWM implementation different from documentation

There is mistake in either the documentation or the source code, which one is correct please advise. __weak uint16_t PWMC_SetPhaseVoltage(PWMC_Handle_t *pHandle, alphabeta_t Valfa_beta) { wUAlpha = Valfa_beta.alpha * (int32_t)pHandle->hT_Sqrt3;  wUBe...

SRedd.5 by Senior III
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Resolved! VNH5019 Current sense gain accuracy/tolerance

I was looking at the datasheet for the VNH5019, and saw that the current sense gain tolerance is narrower as it drives higher currents. I am trying to use the driver in an application where the motor currents can range from about 100mA to 10 A, and a...

ThomasT by Associate
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Resolved! B-G431B-ESC1 motor profiling issue

i have B-G431B-ESC1 board and motor. I can not profile this motor. X-CUBE-MCSDK-6 have issue that when i wrote max speed for example 30 000, my motor is go up to 3 000 which is 10% of max. In order to solve this issue i am using X-CUBE-MCSDK (version...

bcryhun by Associate II
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