STM32 MCUs Motor control

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Forum Posts

MCSDK 6.3.2 is out !

Dear MCSDK users, MCSDK version 6.3.2 is now available: Download It here. This is a bug fix release and here are the main changes for this version: Motor Control Features: FOC Fixed CORDIC Modulus computation in case of negative alpha value Fixed iss...

GMA by ST Employee
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Board Manager documentation is out !

The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on Motor Control Boards Description Wiki page, this documentation is compatible with MCSDK versions from 6.1.2. Board Descriptions are used by the ST motor-control workbench to enabl...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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MCSDK documentation and your feedback

Motor Control Wiki: STM32 Motor Control Knowledge Database - stm32mcuMC Frequently asked questions (FAQ):Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - stm32mcu   The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on the Motor Control Wiki:   Wi...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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Resolved! B-G431B-ESC1: How to build software?????

All I want to do (for now) is build the ESC software and download it into the B-G431B-ESC1 board.1. After alot of searching, I installed this: MC_SDK_6.2.02.  I ran MotorControl Workbench 6.2.0, loaded the "Electronics Speed control on B-G431B-ESC ki...


FOC duration and Software error in MCSDK

Sir i am now working on STEVAL-SPIN3201 evaluation board having 6-step commutation method. I'm unable to rotate motor. I got errors like FOC duration and Software error. I also increased the execution rate one by one . still the motor is not rotating...

vishu by Associate II
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MCSDK 5.y serial communication RS-485?

Hi,My custom board has an STM32G474RE with an RS-485 port that I would like to use to communicate with the Motor Pilot software. Is it possible? I tried to use the STM32CubeMX to activate the UART5 hardware flow control (DE) but the connection failed...

Asantos by Senior
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Hi,In the generation, warning and fatal errors are occurred as attached,What's the reasons of these faults and,How I can solve it ? Evaluation Board : EVSPIN32F0602S1.MotorControl Workbench V5.4.8STM32CubeMX5.6

화면 캡처 2023-11-23 134809.png
yourbryan by Associate II
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Help creating a circuit

How to create a microprocessor system that can drive a stepper motor, where the motor, not being a component of the microprocessor system, is externally powered via a diode to meet its voltage requirement exceeding 3.3 V?

dual encoders

Hello everyone I am looking for some support with using 2 encoders on an STM32F303CB. I am able to select in the Motor Control workbench to have an encoder on Tim3 (pins B4 and B5) or on Tim2 (pins A5 and B3). I need to use 2 encoders for a project. ...