2024-04-21 1:19 PM
We have a project that requires high torque, low speed, precision control of axial flux motors (40+ poles). We use rotary absolute encoders that provide position over RS-422 BISS C protocol.
It does not appear there is support for this type of setup with any of the STM products.
We're specifically using the STM32H563
2024-04-22 12:17 AM
Hello cpoole,
The MCSDK does not support such feature indeed. For such application, we offer our new sensorless FOC algorithms HSO and ZeST. Your request has been noted nonetheless, and will be discussed internally. Thank you for your feedback.
Adapting the embedded encoder code to your needs should be possible, though it requires some programming. Concerning BiSS-C implementation in general, you can maybe take a look at this post if you haven't already.