User Activity

How to use in main.c the user button of B-G431B-ESC1 board ?I want to togle the position each time I press (amd release) the button.Waiting for target position completed and than I can press the button again.I have selected the PC10 pin in MXCube tha...
After STM32CubeMX update from version 6.10.0 to 6.11.0 WorkBench give me and error (see picture Worckbench.jpg attached).How to solve this problem ?I don't find any configuration on Wokbench to specify new STM32CubeMX installation.
Hello eveybody.Before try to uss a motor with encoder drive by B-G431B-ESC1 board, need some setting ? Examples:Encoder A and B sequence respect to motor rotation CW or CCW ?Encoder phased to electrical motor phase ?Any Other ?
Hi everybody,First of all I don't have experience in FOC.I have profiled the motor, and the procedure was succesfully completed.I use the motor profile to create a FOC project.When I try to start the motor using the Motor Pilot an Overcurrent Error a...
I'm using a B-G431-ESC1 brand new board to profile a motor.When I try to detect motor pair pole the procedure stop with Over Current  error.This hapen even the motor is not connect.The 6 mosfet are tested and they are not in short circuit.How is poss...