STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32 usb bus powered limitation

We are currently developing a portable device with a STM32F4 display and so on. It is usually powered with non-rechargeable batteries (4x AA LR6). It consumes at least 140mA and max 450mA. As everyone has a micro usb cable and power plug, we thought ...

JB91 by Associate II
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Programming BRR Register

Hi,how can i program the BRR Register in the USB Device CDC Standalone example for STM32F4xx?The Example code uses  UartHandle.Init.BaudRate   = 9600;How can i directly access to USART_BRR Register?

arduo by Senior
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f_mount is returning FR_NOT_READY when I am trying to write some data on to an SD card. It is neither working for 8 GB SD card, nor for 32 GB SD card.

This is the snippet of the code that is showing me the error. It has been written just above the while(1) function.Also, I have attached the whole code in the attachments. FATFS myFATFS; FIL myFILE; UINT testByte; if (f_mount(&myFATFS, SDPath, 1) == ...

SSoni by Associate III
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How can I test this entire Boot loader receiving application software over SPI for STM32F207 X and Y version chip , and how to check if my IC is STM32F207 X and Y version .

How can I test this entire Boot loader receiving application software over SPI for STM32F207 X and Y version chip , and how to check if my IC is STM32F207 X and Y version .I am working with STM32F207 as making it as Slave SPI and using another Master...

get problem in USB audio device

Hi,I'm working in an audio project. We use stm32f407 like a USB audio device to get audio data from PC then send out by I2S module. We are using stm32f4 Discovery kit and STM32cubeMX. After generate code, i change nothing and flash to Kit; my PC ide...

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TPham.12 by Associate
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