How can I store characters in flash memory of STM32F103 using HAL C coding?? I am able to store hex values in flash but no idea on how to save char values.
How can I store characters in flash memory of STM32F103 using HAL C coding?? I am able to store hex values in flash but no idea on how to save char values.
This question is related to the code design in such a scenario when host and device communicate over USB for two purposes: two-way communication (CDC) and also host is reading the content of the Device' microSD card. The CDC mode is required in this ...
I use stm32h7 nucleo board for ethernet communication.I use lwip raw api without rtos .
Posted on April 25, 2017 at 10:16Hi All,I am fighting with F429nucleo and ethernet interface. The example of firmware works well (lwip webserver).There is a pin PG2 RMII_RXERR which I cannot configure with CubeMX.On CubeMX PG2 cannot set to ethernet...
I would like to see the CCA02M1 memory card, save to USB or SD card. And then through the press of a button it plays through CCA01M1 sound terminal. I'm desperate to help me!
It's the first time I'm trying to use the SPI protocol with Flash memory.Write Program function code:void Flash_Write_Data(void){ uint8_t Write_Enable = 0x06; uint8_t Page_Program = 0x02; uint32_t Address = 0x00000000; uint8_t addrLow...
I've looked at AN2606, it referencess STM32F73xxx but does not specifically list the STM32F730xx under the supported STM32F73xxx parts for the document. I am assuming this is an oversight but I wanted to be sure that USART3 would work and things will...
I have a 4MB SPI Flash chip attached to an STM32F105 CPU that I would like to make into a Mass Storage Controller over USB. I made and built a Cube project.At first, I thought I had to modify the functions in user_diskio.c. This did nothing. I the...