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continuous timer and Alarm in microseconds

Jumshed Akhtar
Associate III


I have an application; where I need to keep on running a hardware timer with microseconds resolution. I will note the time when some external interrupt is triggered. Basically purpose is to note the time difference between external inputs/triggers. 2nd requirement to trigger a processing task based on variable period such as to have an Alarm that triggers and interrupt after some variable time e.g after 40ms; sometimes after 30ms. Time is variable because after doing some processing the micro controller will be put to sleep for rest of period.. Alarm functionality also needed up to microseconds granularity.

Can any one suggest how these two requirement can be met with any timer? or RTC or LPTimer. My preference would be to use RTC or LPTimer. I do not need some absolute time. it is relative time in microseconds. I am using stm32l46X and using FreeRTOS.

Please let me know if I could not make the things clear.
