I'm using a STM32F070RB nucleo board with STM32CubeMX to implement a USB CDC device. After generating my project (and increasing the stack size minimum), I'm able to transmit data from the Windows 10 host to the CDC device by editing the CDC_Recive_F...
Posted on September 06, 2017 at 02:55
How should I implement USB CDC Receive for the STM32F103C8 using CubeMX? I could not find any examples.
I have a partially working implementation of a USB CDC for this IC, but I have a few occasional issue...
Oops, I had a grave misconception. Once execution gets to this function, the packet has already been accepted (with an ACK). It's too late to NACK it. I also misordered the Receive and uart_tx_sync(), handling the data should be done before ReceivePa...
Posted on September 10, 2017 at 05:32
(I'm replying to my own post, though I'd still appreciate answers to the questions I posed.)
I found that I had a memory-management bug in my code while transmitting. The issue was that after calling the t...
Posted on September 06, 2017 at 05:54I'm also having issues with the USB CDC driver (I asked https://community.st.com/0D50X00009XkXKMSA3).My understanding is that you have have to wait for CDC_Busy() to be false before calling the Transmit function....