STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

addin HAL driver to blinky project

I have started from blinky project and want to extend it for some PWM outputs on TIM2.For this I need to make use of stm32f3xx_ll_tim.h.I added into my main.c #include <stm32f3xx_ll_tim.h> without successI added the file from 'Manage project Items' a...

SKaro by Associate II
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USB HID composite for multiple device

Hi there,ENV: I use a Nucleo-L412KB board with ST library, STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.13.0. PURPOSE: I am trying to connect my board to pc via USB and send mouse, keyboard and multi-touch reports to PC. In this project, I want my PC to read my board as USB c...

XYan.6 by Associate
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Audio example using STM32F769 Discovery board

What is a relatively easy/simple way to process analogue audio from the jacks on the STM32F769 Discovery board ? Is there already a template for this ?I would be very grateful for any assistance with this.I am new to programming DSP hardware, althoug...

MLawr by Associate III
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I2C Slave Transmit Problems

I want to use a STM32L151RDT6 as I2C slave and a USB to I2C bridge from FTDI as master.Reading command with the slave from the master is possible. But when i try to transmit data to the master the slave is releasing the SDA Line after the acknowledge...

JM?�l by Associate II
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Problem with 8MHz clock and bootloader for USB

Hello, I have this design but I think the clock does not rock me. How can I check it without having an oscilloscope? I have a voltmeter but I measure the voltage at both ends and it varies only between -100mV and 100mV ...I have made a bootloader to ...

FFran by Associate II
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