Incorrect SFR name displayed in debugger
Timer register OC4CE is mis-labeled O24CE (TIM2 on 429, also some other timers, haven't checked elsewhere exhaustively):
Timer register OC4CE is mis-labeled O24CE (TIM2 on 429, also some other timers, haven't checked elsewhere exhaustively):
Hello all,i am using STM32f407-Discovery. I am working with USB CDC in FS mode. Code for that was generate with CubeMX and HAL libraries. My question is if anyone has already done the USB CDC communication with SPL libraries or registers?I want this ...
I try to see value in DMA and DMAMUX registers, but I don't find it in svd files. Although, there is a description for DMA, but it is not correct as according to the RM there is no register DMA_CSEL in DMA, however, it is described in the SVD
Hi,I have stucked trying to use hrtim pwm outputs on stm32f334r8.I use initialisation provided by CubeMX to start all 10 channels right now. I use exactly the same setting for every channel, but still have different results.It is not possible to fit ...
I'm seeing something very odd. I have a crude test app that exercises an EPS8266 plugged into my STM32F769 Discovery board. The app runs and loops and does simple checks during execution, it runs fine every time I run it.But if I simply comment out a...
In stm32l1xx_ll_rtc.h, generated by STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32L1 Series, v1.8.1, line 2110:__STATIC_INLINE void LL_RTC_ALMB_SetDay(RTC_TypeDef *RTCx, uint32_t Day) { MODIFY_REG(RTC->ALRMBR, (RTC_ALRMBR_DT | RTC_ALRMBR_DU), (((Day ...
Hi there,I am new with UART and want to use my own UART Functions and i found the function HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback and HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback.When are this Functions called? I found them in the documentation of stm but that didn't explain well when ...
I have tried simple code* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */uint8_t myTx[13] ="hello world\r\n";;uint8_t myRx[13] ="hello world\r\n";main();* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(&huart2, myRx,13);while(){//nothing here{/* USER CODE BEGIN 4 */void HAL_UART_RxC...
Hy,I'm trying to run the DFU mode with a STM32F205. When I put boot0 to VCC and I do a reset, the DFU USB was not detected by my computer. Can someone help me ?I tried before that on the nucleo card F207ZG and this work corectly.
When USB connected with Trace ON everything is OK when Trace is OFF time to time MCU is slowing down