2020-01-22 04:28 AM
Hi list,
I'm using stm32f103 and stm32cude ide. And I'm also using FreeRTOS.
This is my stop mode code.
This code is called in TimerCallback which is created from FreeRTOS.
I need multi wakeup sources from stop mode. So I've set some pins of PortC to interrupt source. Those are EXTI0,1,2,3 and EXTI15_10.
I could wake up through touch interrupt (EXTI15_10) but I couldn't wake up from other pins.
Let me know how to fix it, please.
2020-01-22 11:28 PM
> So I've set some pins of PortC to interrupt source. Those are EXTI0,1,2,3 and EXTI15_10.
> I could wake up through touch interrupt (EXTI15_10) but I couldn't wake up from other pins.
Without going to stop mode, do those "other interrupts" work?
2020-01-23 12:48 AM
Yep. It works well before entering stop mode. When stm32f103 is waken up from stop mode by other pins but touch Int., it's stuck.
There is update.
If I remove LCD sleep code, it works. It's very weird.
And I've encountered incomprehensible situations which SPI2 returns HAL_BUSY at Touch Int.