STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! HAL_SPI_Transmit takes too long

Posted on May 22, 2017 at 19:51 Hi guys, I am working with the STM32L486 using the CubeMX tool and running into some SPI issue that I can't seem to figure out (I am new to ST chipsets btw). Specifically the HAL_SPI_Transmit routine takes to long...

e d by Associate II
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File transfer through Ethernet

Hi all,How to transfer file through server to target board using Ethernet ?I'm using STM32F429 Nucleo-144 board, currently done with STM32F4xx Webserver Demo ( Based on the lwIP TCP/IP stack ). Based on this server demo how transfer file server to ta...

chum by Associate II
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USB CDC Change Device name

Posted on April 28, 2017 at 12:29Hey,i use the STM32F4 USB CDC (generate by CUBEMX(v.4.20)) and want change the shown name in the Device Manager.I change these lines but nothing change in the device manager.&sharpdefine USBD_VID     1155&sharpdefine...

HAL_SPI_Transmit on F0, F1, F4, F7

Hi!I have module for transmit dates to SPI Interface.Data is - pointer to data buffer uint8_t.In F1 & F4 all will be ok.But in F0 & F7 modules will send *((uint16_t *)pData) (see modules below)Program for F1 or F4 will not work on F0 & F7.Where error...

VLev by Associate II
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