STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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assert_failed during RCC configuration

Hi, I use a STM32F767ZI. A project has been generated by using the STM32CubeMX. I have enabled the I2C_1 at 100kHz and set the HCLK to 216MHz (HSI->PLL, all clocks calculated automatically).A code gets stuck in stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.c at line:#if defined...

rb by Associate
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STM32F407 CDC dicovery Bord Windows 10 Code 43

I have start from scratch to enable the CDC (VCP) .Complie is ok.But if i connect the board to the LapTop i get Code43.Configuration:STM32CubeIDEVersion: 1.0.0Build: 2872_20190423-2022 (UTC)Windows 10 X64 If have inserted into CDC_Control_FS the gett...

SWitz by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F030 Bootloader Go

I have the following situation. I use a STM32F030F4 flashed with a programm created with Keil uVision. I use startupfile provided from ST. Flashtool and Target dialog are configured in "default". The address for the app inside the flash starts at 0x0...

klaus2 by Associate II
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Problem using audio on STM32F7

Hi!I've been struggling for several days in trying to make a working audio example on my STM32F746 Discovery board.I have studied the datasheet of the codec, of SAI, I2S and the examples given in the STM32F7 firmware package.I have succeeded in makin...

SPI bandwith using HAL ?

I'm testing the SPI capabilities of STM32H7. For this I'm using the SPI examples provided in STM32CubeH7. I will perhaps not keep this code in my own development, rigth now the goal is to understand how SPI is working and what bandwith I can get in t...

Gpeti by Senior II
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