STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Why my i2c clk always high ?

When i observe the clk pin always high but sometimes, somehow that i dont know i can see clk pulses but really i dont know reason why. Also i am trying to communicate touch ic and it has change pin sense the touchs. This pin always high and when the ...

IKARA.15 by Associate II
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STM32F303 - Can rx error

Hi,I have a problem with my application that reads messages from CAN.Sometimes, after wake up, I see rx error on CAN driver (I use the function GetLastErrorCode, that return error number 32(Form error)), this situation remains until I generate a MCU ...

LBern by Associate
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USB Virtual Com Port unusable

hello, I'm trying to transfer a block of data from the PC via USB (with HyperTerminal) to my device card, but I haven't found a way to not lose data.Surely there is the possibility of controlling the flow of data coming from the PC arriving on the re...

HAL_Delay problem!!!!!

Hello everyone!!!I get a problem with HAL_Delay function. When I use STM32CubeMX creat my simple project (blink a led with STM32F4 Discovery Kit) everything is OK with HAL_Delay() function.But when I creat a same project without using STM32CubeMX, HA...

DNguy.18 by Associate II
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