Bug report : HAL_RTCEx_SetSecond_IT (stm32f1x)
"HAL_RTCEx_SetSecond_IT" doesn't work on Stm32vldiscovery.Instead of that "RTC->CRH=RTC_CRH_SECIE" works well!The code (see 102 and 103 lines) is in the attachment.
"HAL_RTCEx_SetSecond_IT" doesn't work on Stm32vldiscovery.Instead of that "RTC->CRH=RTC_CRH_SECIE" works well!The code (see 102 and 103 lines) is in the attachment.
Try to play the wave file stored in uSD using STM32F103VCT and CODEC IC (TAS2505). Use 4bit SDIO (DMA) and I2S2 (DMA) with STM32 and CODEC. However, after playing Wave file, a hardware fault occurs and HardFault_Handler is called. If Wave file is pla...
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ibusb + stm32f4 + usb3300Software crush when ARM is communicating with PC. The PC will receive the last residual data, after restart the software.How to clear the residual data, in the software or firmware?
Hello Mates,started using the HAL_UART_Transmit function, works like a charm. But since I`m using the UART for diagnostics ever 100ms seems better to use the one with interruption.The arguments seems to be the same, but the read data from the uart wh...
Hi everyone, We are students in second year of the engineering cycle at ECE Paris, Lyon, a general engineering school in Paris. As part of our annual enhanced project, we are currently working on a project that aims to reduce the degradation of a sma...
Looking for UM2552 User Manual, Is that available?, I would like to understand more about the USB PD Middleware API and architecture.
I have two very unrelated hardware projects that worked fine under STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.2 namely STM32H750 and a STM32H743 both rev YComparing STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.2\Drivers\STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver with STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.4.0\Drivers\STM32H7xx_HAL_Drive...
hi every oneI work with CAN interface on stm32F1. At version 1.6.1 of HAL Library every thing works. when i update my cubemx to versin 5 and cubeF1 library to version 1.7, most function of HAL for CAN interface changed and when i using HAL_CAN_AddTxM...
Hi,I recently migrated an own board from a STM32F437 to a STM32F767 controller.I use the HAL Library (and freeRTOS), and cubeMX to generate the code.Everything worked fine with the M4 controller, but on the M7 controller, I only have a 10BaseT conne...