STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32 FATFS with SPI FLASH

I am trying to interface a SPI flash from Winbond (W25Q64JV) with FATFS.I have no previous experience with FATFS.I initialize FATFS in CubeMX with the option "used-defined" and modified the MAXIMUM and MINIMUM Sector Size to 4096, as it is the smalle...

STM32L432 LPTIM prescaler behaviour

I have a NUCLEO-L432KC that I am trying to configure such that a LPTIM interrupt fires at a set time period in the future. To simplify calculations, the future time is 2048 low frequency clock ticks away (62.5 ms).I can achieve this with relative sim...

JordanY_1-1738124750443.png JordanY_2-1738124998826.png
JordanY by Associate II
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Resolved! SDIO, USB Mass Storage, and Mac

Hi! I am trying to learn about interfacing with an stm32f405 as a USB Mass Storage Device. My (homemade) development board has an onboard microSD card slot, and so I would like to present the card as my mass storage. I'm running into some problems wi...

sb_st by Associate III
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Resolved! Circular dependency in HAL driver for STM32H5.

Hi!I have a project that will not compile due to "error: 'HAL_StatusTypeDef' does not name a type".The project uses STM32H563 and includes file stm32h5xx_hal_conf.h.The HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED and HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED are defined.When looking into ...

Imre by Associate II
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I am trying to interface a SPI flash from Winbond (W25Q64JV) with FATFSI have no previous experience with FATFS.I initialize FATFS in CubeMX with the option "used-defined" and modified the MAXIMUM and MINIMUM Sector Size to 4096, as it is the smalles...