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I want to initialise ADC in my FreeRTOS task. If I remove/comment out HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start function, put a delay (osDelay(1)) between it and HAL_ADC_Start_DMA or place a breakpoint at HAL_ADC_Start_DMA and pause code execution at it during deb...
I am writing this post in case anybody encounters a similar problem. I had a problem with assigning IP address to STM32F769I-DISCO devboard and communicating with it via Ethernet while using LwIP and FreeRTOS. The solution to this problem was disabli...
Hello! I've been trying to use lwIP library with my STM32F769I-DISCO development board to assign IP address to the microcontroller. While in debug mode everything works fine, in normal mode, however, it doesn't. I had to add two 1s delays before MX_G...
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