I'm just starting with DFU, so apologies if this isn't the right sort of question. The documentation shows that the firmware version (in the DFU file) is stored in the DFUSUFFIX in the bcdDevice field along with Product id and Vendor id. I'm wonderin...
Dear all,I want to save my data in the form of text file in the flash memory of the controller STM32F373C8. And it can be retrieve when it is connected to the PC via USB, Is this controller is suitable for my application. If yes please give me the r...
I am working on an application that requires data input from USB storage device or PC to nucleo board. That data is to be stored in a SDmmC attached to the nucleo board, also that data is to be retrieved again from the card and shifted to another usb...
Hi, I did enable one time HAL_SPI_Receive_IT one time in int main().. after the first spi transaction completely received i did re-enable the spi receive interrupt in callback function.. But the problem is , the HAL_SPI_Receive_IT succesfully receive...
Hi,I have some code that I have working with FreeRTOS CMSIS v2 and LwIP that creates 2 separate threads, one listens on a TCP port the other listens on a different UDP port. This implementation works fine, however if I change to using CMSIS v1 then t...
I'm using a NUCLEO-F746ZG development board and trying to get Ethernet working but so far it isn't even pingable. I'm using STM32CubeIDE and all recommended settings. I've already been able to get Ethernet working on a STM32F746-DISCOVERY. Any sugges...
Hi , I am going to create a app . that will communicate to the STM32FO via usb OTG cable.Is this micro controller has supports android USB Accessory protocol for communicate between the micro controller and android device via usb. Thanks in advance
I wanted to send and receive a message via CAN2 of a STM32F207 Unit, but sending always reported errors.But when I change the following lines in the HAL Driver it works and the receiver gets the CAN frames corretly.Why is the TDTR of the mailbox not ...
I’m trying to get my STM32H743 to communicate with a Cypress S25FL128S.I want to change the state of the Configuration register bit 1 from the default of zero to a one.I want to use the HAL_QSPI API to perform this write but I’m confused on how to ad...