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 HiI have a customized stm32h750 board, my work is to read data from SD memory of board and send through UDP to a client PC.I use stm32cubeMX v5.6.1,STM32H7 MCU package v1.7 and LWIP cubeMX supported v2.0.3. when I send small size files everything is...
lwip udp server does not send big data correctlyhelloI have implemented a udp server on stm32h7 using raw function is reading data from sd memory and sending to pc, so I read a block(512bytes) of data from sd memory by f_read function of fatf...
Hi everyonei'm trying to get ethernet working on a custom stm32h750​vbt6 board using lwip.i use a dp83848 interface module as physiccal in rmii mode. after some self try and error by myself and getting failed i found below subject on st and using it ...
Hii'm using an own made stm32h750vb board to write on sd memory using fatfs third party lib from cubemx.the problem i encountered is unstable function of f_write. sometimes it takes more time to measure the time f_write takes i set a gpio pi...