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Hello to all,I am developing an application in which I have to dynamically draw an image on the display.Looking online I found that the most adopted solution is to use dynamicBitmaps but I also saw that you can directly use the frame buffer withHAL::...
Dear all,i'm developing an application with STM32F750N8 and I'm using SDMMC peripheral (48MHz clock, rising clock transition, no prescaler and hardware flow control) and FatFs library, for read and write the micro SD Card.I tried to use a 1GB SD Card...
Dear all,I'm developing an application with a STM32750N8 and I'm using TouchGFX for the GUI. I am using a 4.3 "RGB (parallel) display with 480x272 resolution but I will also need to use a 7" 1280x720 (parallel RGB) display.Since I have to play videos...
I'm using TouchGFX's dynamicBitmaps to load an image that I have in a buffer.The problem is that, even just using the example I found at this link
Dear all,I created an external loader for a custom board and I am using it on the STM32CubeIDE (copying it in the specific folder) to debug; everything works fine.How can I use the same external loader in the STM32CubeProgrammer? I tried to insert th...
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