STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

FatFS + SD + f_utime = not setting the timestamp on the previous ".." and current "." directory name in the subdirectory when listed in the command prompt .

After using FatFS to create and time-stamp a directory on an SD card, when viewing the results using the command prompt to list the contents of the directory, the first two files shown are always the '.' and '..' entries. These are not getting time-s...

Resolved! Next error in stm32f4xx_ll_usb.c?

In function USB_EP0_OutStart is: if (dma == 1U) {   USBx_OUTEP(0U)->DOEPDMA = (uint32_t)psetup;   /* EP enable */   USBx_OUTEP(0U)->DOEPCTL |= USB_OTG_DOEPCTL_EPENA | USB_OTG_DOEPCTL_USBAEP; }In my opinion enabling endpoint should be out of DMA condi...

Getting started with STM32f469 ?

I just got the eval board.I am clueless , too much info on the site , can someone point me to a get started pdf or something ? Shouldnt I see the board in the Audiweaver server? Where it now says native?I have Touch FX and the audio weaver ,but neith...

Resolved! STM32F7 USB OTG differences within series

I have a "hello world" example that works fine on a STM32F765Z6T6 (custom board). It basically waits for a USB serial port to be opened on the host side, and outputs "Hello world" every second over and over again. Unfortunately it's based on libopenc...