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How to enter stop mode and how to wake up ?

Hi list,I'm using stm32f103 and stm32cude ide. And I'm also using FreeRTOS.This is my stop mode code.This code is called in TimerCallback which is created from FreeRTOS.HAL_SuspendTick(); __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); //HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_MAINRE...

Clee.4 by Associate II
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hi iam doing usb otg in stm32 f107 ,i had a reference code with me which is working good , iam able to do all USB operations properly wit that code ,but when am trying to understand the code USB DM,DP,USB_ID ,V-BUS are not defined in pin configuration.

void USB_OTG_BSP_Init(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; /* Select USBCLK source */ RCC_OTGFSCLKConfig(RCC_OTGFSCLKSource_PLLVCO_Div3);   /* Enable the USB clock */ RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_OTG_FS, ENABLE) ;   RCC...

Resolved! Timer trigger timer - example?

Hi! Im having trouble with setting timer2, when it overflows I want to add+1 to timer4 in slave mode =) to use timer2 as prescaler to timer4.​Can I ask for am example of this? Or some hints how to o this.​​Im trying to follow timer cookbook. Synchron...

oeliks by Senior
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Resolved! Fatfs DMA transfer skips the end

Hi,I'm having a very strange issue loading bytes from an SD card into an array in RAM, on a STM32F722RE.In general, it works nicely, but I have several files where the transfer skips some bytes, leaving zeroes in the destination array.In debug, I hav...

TGeof.1 by Associate
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