STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

I am trying to jump from my application into the bootloader. It works as long as I pull the pin BOOT0 high, which in my case means setting a jumper. Is there a way to get into the bootloader while BOOT0 is pulled low? My device is STM32L412.

Device: STM32L412Code: typedef void (*pFunction)(void);   volatile uint32_t addr = 0x1FFF0000; uint32_t JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (addr + 4); pFunction Jump_To_Boot = (pFunction) JumpAddress;   #if defined(USE_HAL_DRIVER) HAL_RCC_DeInit(); #en...

SBros.1 by Associate II
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stm32f103rctx systick led

I'm looking for some help to make the program in the systick in it.c turn the leds in this it.c off and on every second./** ****************************************************************************** * @file  stm32f1xx_it.c * @brief  Interrupt Ser...

Thon.1 by Associate II
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