usbpd change from sink to source soft reset
my stm32 set default is sink. when Phone connected, it's sink and the nego finish. after that, I change it to source to charge this phone, but it's soft reset.please refer trace attach
my stm32 set default is sink. when Phone connected, it's sink and the nego finish. after that, I change it to source to charge this phone, but it's soft reset.please refer trace attach
Hi. I'm tring to save data to usb memory stick. this is main fuction :while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ MX_USB_HOST_Process(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ switch(Appli_state) { case APPLICA...
So I have two channels configured basically with same settings. ADC1 works fine and DMA gets triggered and handled well. ADC3 DMA refuses to trigger any interrupt (not even an Error). The only difference is that ADC1 handles 14 channels while ADC3 ha...
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I want to wakeup from standby-mode in less than 20msec.I want to wake up from standby-mode in less than 20 seconds using Periodic auto-wakeup, but I can't wake up below 22 msec.Could you tell me if there is any good way?The following HAL driver is us...
Hello I am trying to perform FFT on real data sampled with ADC However, first I need to perform it on test data that I generated inside my code to verify it would workI set parameters: frequency, buffer size, sampling rate (buffsize 512)then I gener...
Hello, I have an project with STM32F103 and using CubeMX drivers. I successfully setup the driver, but I have a problem when trying to send out from pc packets biggest than 64 bytes. (64bytes is the enpoint buffer & max packet size). On PC I'm using ...
I'm using STM32F4 Discovery board and its expansion board for SD-card interfacing. I'm using SD-cards with DMA2 and STM32CUBEIDE FW_F4 V1.24.2Before pointing out error I want to attach below link as a reference which I've used in my code -https://co...
Hello,I am developing a simple GUI for a custom board based STM32H750 MCU.My requirements are the following:Both application code/data and touchGFX images/fonts are stored in and external QSPI (0x90000000) The entire application must be executed in t...