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Development environment:1. windows 10 X642.en.stm32cubeprg-win64_v2-9-0 and CubeProgrammer_API.dll3.qt mingw x64Problems:1."My install path"\ST-CubeProgrammer\api\project\Qt\STM32CubePrgAPI this example project works fine2.getDfuDeviceList() functio...
I have a GUI project with a screen size of 1024*600. There are multiple page switching in the 800*400 area in the middle of the interface. Can a custom container containing multiple small pages be placed on the main page?
I learned that the BootLoader of the STM32 system can update the firmware in the internal FLASH through USB UART CAN, etc. Can the same operation be performed if the external FLASH mapped through QSPI is used?
The STM32F105RBT6 manual shows that there are 1 control endpoint, 3 IN endpoints, 3 OUT endpoints, but the USB driver code generated by CubeMX now shows hpcd_USB_OTG_FS.Init.dev_endpoints = 4; are these 3 IN and OUT endpoints shared? 4 endpoints and ...
I successfully used USB DFU on STM32H7, and I want to perform the same operation on STM32F105. I learned from the manual that the system BootLoader address is 0x1FFFB000. But when I try to jump into USB DFU mode, windows prompts the device descriptor...
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