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Hi everybody! I have searched almost half of the Internet and couldn't find any working example of these kind of technology combination: STM32H7 SDMMC IDMA + MDMA. I must say that without MDMA, everything works good (I'm aware of cache problems). But...
Split from Netx and W5100S to a separate thread, as this is a different question.I gave up with NetX and moved to LwIP.So does anybody know where to find an example of LwIP with W5100S or similar?I use them in FreeRTOS, but nonOS example will be also...
Hi everybody!Can someone tell me if there is a way to pair Netx from ThreadX with W5100S IC?I'm aware of NX_ENABLE_TCPIP_OFFLOAD mode, but still have problems with understanding.Write now I'm looking on nx_driver_stm32l4.c example, but it is made for...
Hi!Can someone help me to clear one moment in using LoRa.Let's say I have one RF remote control, which is pointed to 4-5 remote devices.How can my remote control distinguish replies from these 5 remote devices?Sorry if this is a dummy question. I'm n...
Hi!Can someone explain to me why this code:// Is FLASH_CR register locked for writing? if (FLASH->CR & FLASH_CR_LOCK) { // Unlocking FLASH_CR register FLASH->KEYR = KEY1; FLASH->KEYR = KEY2; }   // Unlocking FLASH option register if (FLASH->CR & F...
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