STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F427 Reading UART

Hello!I'm doing an application in which my control board is I2C slave of my PC and my control board has to communicate with another board (let's call it test board) via UART.This test board uses custom UART text commands to perform tests on itself.Fo...

BBori.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L4 FreeRTOS+DMA2 Channel 4 problem

I am using STM32L496 Nucelo, CubeMX 6.1.1; FATFS, DMA SDMMC with FreeRtos. For some reason I have problems when it comes to using DMA2 Channel 4 with FreeRtos. When it is selected for SDMMC1_TX then I can mount SD card and read data without any probl...

kronikary by Associate III
  • 3 replies
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Resolved! Multichannel (scan), single conversion mode

I need to implement a single channel software triggered ADC scan in an interrupt callback paced at 10ms intervals, since the rate cannot be controlled in DMA.I never had an issue doing this with CMSIS, yet, HAL seems to be, well, difficult is the nic...