Resolved! STM32 Nucleo-144 User USB
When I plug in the user usb port on the nucleo to my computer nothing shows up. I'd like to put it into DFU mode over usb so i can flash a custom bootloader.Thanks!
When I plug in the user usb port on the nucleo to my computer nothing shows up. I'd like to put it into DFU mode over usb so i can flash a custom bootloader.Thanks!
Why nothing work on first attempt???Howto solve this i need test USB UACEdit 1 I try too MX 5.4 same error zip file isnt pack WTF
STM32F446RCT6 .. bootloader problemits not dected in DFU mode
Hi,I'm hoping this is the correct forum to ask this question. I am developing an industrial product using STM32 devices and I need to add ethernet capability to the product. I have a moderate amount of embedded development experience but zero network...
An existing project runs on STM32F091, it use CMSIS USART driver (ARM_DRIVER_USART Driver_USART1). Now I need to migrate this project to run on STM32G070. But in CubeMX for STM32G070, there aren't any USART driver under CMSIS driver, except a header ...
I am using STM32F446RET6 with STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE to create an SPI slave device using SPI1 in DMA mode using the HAL SPI driver. I call HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA() in main to receive 1 byte from the attached SPI master device. It is successful, an...
Hi,I am working on interfacing the SD card with the following requirement :CMSIS V2 + FATFS + SDMMC with DMA on STM32L462.I have configured the project in CubeMX Version 1.3.0. The CMSIS V2 with FREERTOS has been selected from the CUBEMX configurati...
Affected driver libraries: STM32Cube_FW_L5_V1.4.0, STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.16.0, STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.11.2 and possibly other device driver libraries based on the same SPI peripheralFile: stm32yyxx_ll_spi.h (Replace yy by L5, L4, F0, ...)Functions affected:...
While trying to test out the USB-PD middleware, I generated a project for the STM32G071RB Nulceo dev board with Tracer EMB and GUI interface enabled. Generating the code works fine however, I'm getting a compile error that traces back to the FLASH_SI...
I have a report descriptor that consist of 456 bytes. The problem is : When i define USBD_CUSTOM_HID_REPORT_DESC_SIZE 456 in usbd_conf.h file, it raises overlow warning and my hid device no longer works. How can i define hid descriptor size bigge...