STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F401 USB user descriptor strings

Hello,is there any way to set the user descriptor string on the USB CDC device?In the HAL library, I found some functions related to descriptor strings, but their type is "get" and I did not find a corresponding "set" functions.

PHude.1 by Associate III
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Compiling my program using LwIP

I've enabled LwIP in CubeMX and now I cannot compile my code anymoreI thought the include paths where the problem, but I checked them all multiple times and I cannot find the error.   Can someone help me?

0693W00000ANAYJQA5.png 0693W00000ANB4jQAH.png 0693W00000ANB4eQAH.png 0693W00000ANB4KQAX.png
Jvan .10 by Associate III
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freertos + flashwrite gives hardfault

Hii all, ım using stm32f103c8t6 and trying to implement freertos project,i have flash write function and it work very well but when i use it in freertos project, if ı call write flash func before vTaskStartScheduler it is okey but after vTaskStartSc...

SOZKA.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H753ZI CubeIDE/MX bug with Flash sectors

Hi,I have a CubeIDE peroject with STM32H753ZI, C++, TreadX, Nucleo-H753ZI board. This device has 2MB Flash and 16 sectors of 128K each. 16 x 128K = 2MB but the generated stm32h7xx_hal_flash_ex.h includes only 8 sectors. Only OB_WRP_SECTOR_0-7 are def...

Osto by Senior
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application status stuck on application start in usb msc host stm32f407vgt using hall library please help anyone?

/* USER CODE BEGIN Header *//** ****************************************************************************** * @file      : main.c * @brief     : Main program body ****************************************************************************** * @at...

VKUMA.12 by Associate II
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Resolved! Problems with HID Host and STM32F4

Posted on November 23, 2017 at 13:09Hi everyone,I'm developing an HID Host application to comunicate with a own device and I'm using the NUCLEO-F446ZE board.At the start I tried to use the HID_Standalone application in the STM32CubeF4 firmware packa...