Hi,I need to receive 64 bytes package from the PC application. How do I do it with USB HID?Regards,David
Hi,I need to receive 64 bytes package from the PC application. How do I do it with USB HID?Regards,David
I am using NUCLEO-H743ZI2. I try to configure fatfs +freeRTOS on stm32cubeIDE(v1.7). It it quite easy to configure SDMMC1 with MDMA. the program works fine, however, after I introduce freeRTOS into my program. SDMMC doesn't work any more. I don't kn...
I have a testbench? created with stm32f746 that calibrates stm32f070 devices. Testbench has USB HOST and calibrates USB HID Device. I also want to use possibility to update fw on device. Device has DFU STM bootloader. Is there any advices/ready libra...
I'm trying to implement AcousticBF library functions and what I've noticed is that, when I configure it like this for PCM mode, 2 microphones:void Audio_Libraries_Init(void) { volatile uint32_t error_value = 0; /* Enable CRC peripheral to unlock ...
I'm developing a project using the STM32H745 HSEM and found a couple problems with the svd file that make debugging more difficult. My contact with IAR suggested I share my finding with ST to see if a working version can be supplied. 1) The svd fi...
Hello everybody! I am using STM32F405RG with FreeRTOS in my project. In the course of development, I encountered the problem of lack of SRAM. The solution to the problem I thought would be placing 64 KB of the FreeRTOS heap in CCMRAM and its 16 KB in...
ip4_addr_t remote_ip; struct netconn *clientConn; IP4_ADDR(&remote_ip, 192, 168, 0, 11); clientConn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP); if(clientConn != NULL) { conn_err = netconn_connect(clientConn, &remote_ip, 8789); if(conn_err == ERR_OK) { netconn_...
I am porting some code from the STM32L432 to the STML496. The STM32L432 had a macro that would allow you to stop the USB clock on APB1 (_HAL_RCC_USB_CLK_DISABLE), but the bit in the RPB1ENR1 register used to do this (RCC_APB1ENR1_USBFSEN) doesn't se...
Hi everyone,I met a problem now. I am developing display product using stm32f429zet6, the lib is f41.26.1. In my project, nand flash is used to storage images and fonts, the sdram is used to cache images. Fatfs work upon nand. Obviously nand and sd...
Hi,I am using STM32F746NG.In the app link file, I set flash to 0x08010000.MEMORY{ RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 320K FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8010000, LENGTH = 960K /*1024-64K*/}In the boot link file, I set flash to 0x08000000.MEMORY...