Flashing over I2C. Worked a couple of times now its not acknowledging.
I'm trying to flash my STM32G071 over I2C1 on adress 0x75 @ 100kHz. Communication is working but when it tries to Erase it fails.
I'm trying to flash my STM32G071 over I2C1 on adress 0x75 @ 100kHz. Communication is working but when it tries to Erase it fails.
Hi,I have some questions.How to include this package in an existing project?The document decribes the ST-AZURE-Dashboard and the use of it in the web page at: https://stm32ode-v2.azurewebsites.net. I try to open the page, but I only receive an error ...
Hello,I'm using the Zephyr RTOS on a STM32F091 and have recently started working on implementing some low-power states (sleep and STOP). The system is fed by the PLL (48MHz) which is in turn fed by a HSE (20MHz).I'm using the RTC peripheral to manage...
Goodmorning to everyone,I read a lot about this argument, and I know that with HAL libraries this topic is really easy to do. Unfortunately due to project request i need to use STL libraries. I create a pwm signal with TIM1. This signal is about 1MHz...
Hi,I am trying to integrate lwIP stack on stm32L0 controller(which does not have on board ETH port hence LAN IC is interfaced using SPI). i have integrated the stack but while sending the UDP packets, I am observing "hard fault".I have few questions...
Currently when I unplug my Nucleo Board from my computer, my computer blue screens with a "SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED" error. Any ideas on what would cause this?It happens every time I unplug the board, even if all I do is plug it in, then u...
Hello,I try to use the USB Device of STM32F078RB as a HID FS.I don't have external quartz, I use HSI48.I've configured CubeIDE properly (I guess) : clock & USB_Device.But the USB doesn't want to work, it's not recognized by the PC.I already work with...
Hi Forum,Is there any example using stm32 ARM MCUS that implements the "Dual Bank " on the fly firmware update and EEPROM emulation in the SAME application?See :https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00230416-onthefly-firmware-update-for-d...