2022-12-21 11:30 PM
2022-12-22 5:20 AM
?? ioc is irelevant here. Network stack need understand how it works.
Show your ping command ... have you DHCP server is your RJ45 cable ?
Is your main.h settings ?
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
#define USE_DHCP /* enable DHCP, if disabled static address is used*/
/*Static IP ADDRESS*/
#define IP_ADDR0 (uint8_t) 192
#define IP_ADDR1 (uint8_t) 168
#define IP_ADDR2 (uint8_t) 0
#define IP_ADDR3 (uint8_t) 10
this is from LWip example 429
2022-12-22 12:01 AM
Hello @pshin.2 and welcome to the Community :)
Did you check this post contains issues and solutions: How to make Ethernet and lwIP working on STM32?
I advise you start from a ready example within STM32CubeH7, and please review this article How to create project for STM32H7 with Ethernet and LwIP stack working
I hope this helps you.
2022-12-22 12:54 AM
Thanks for replying ! Yes i have already gone through this article but i am still not able to get my difficulties right please suggest me with an alternate method please.
2022-12-22 1:15 AM
As already suggested by @Imen DAHMEN , please start with an existing example provided in STM32CubeH7: for example you can port one of examples under this path to your board: STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.0\Projects\NUCLEO-H743ZI\Applications\LwIP
Also please provide more details about your project to let other members in the community to help you efficiently.
2022-12-22 4:15 AM
I am trying to ping the ethernet in both of NUCLUEOS with examples provided by STM,
i followed the steps provided by you, but i am still not able to overcome this problem.
Currently i am using CUBE IDE 1.10.1 with latest firmware package.
I have attached .ioc file for your reference
2022-12-22 5:20 AM
?? ioc is irelevant here. Network stack need understand how it works.
Show your ping command ... have you DHCP server is your RJ45 cable ?
Is your main.h settings ?
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
#define USE_DHCP /* enable DHCP, if disabled static address is used*/
/*Static IP ADDRESS*/
#define IP_ADDR0 (uint8_t) 192
#define IP_ADDR1 (uint8_t) 168
#define IP_ADDR2 (uint8_t) 0
#define IP_ADDR3 (uint8_t) 10
this is from LWip example 429
2022-12-22 6:24 AM
Do you work with anyone with related MCU or networking experience who can problem solve or trouble-shoot this with you? A colleague, supervisor or teacher?
Unfortunately "does not work" and "tried everything" aren't really effective diagnostic methods, and convey little detail.
In a month one might have hoped you'd identified some code or network level understanding of what is and isn't happening.