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Design phase of project and looking to add self test to a project using a STM32L476xx.STM32-CLASSB-SPL looks like the best way to achieve this.Can't fathom from the literature if the STM32L4 is compatible with these libraries.I fear it isn't.
I'm running absolutely bog standard STM32CubeMx code on NUCLEO-F091RC to get RS485 working (NOPs added for debugging).If I scope the USART2_TX line (PA2) I see no data.There is data on the USART1_TX line (PA9) and the RS485 enable line (USART_DE PA1)...
I have a STM32F091 Nucleo-64 and have the basic RS232 UART examples (ComPolling and IT) from the Cube working.I need to implement RS485 and was hoping to find a basic example to build upon.I'm currently going through the STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.9.0 exampl...
Question regarding an implementation of RS485 on an STM32.The application note (reference guide) refers to 4 bits stored in the USART_CR2 register which can be used as an address comparison to aid with waking only when required.“Address mark detectio...