Hi,I am trying to integrate lwIP stack on stm32L0 controller(which does not have on board ETH port hence LAN IC is interfaced using SPI). i have integrated the stack but while sending the UDP packets, I am observing "hard fault".I have few questions...
Currently when I unplug my Nucleo Board from my computer, my computer blue screens with a "SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED" error. Any ideas on what would cause this?It happens every time I unplug the board, even if all I do is plug it in, then u...
Hello,I try to use the USB Device of STM32F078RB as a HID FS.I don't have external quartz, I use HSI48.I've configured CubeIDE properly (I guess) : clock & USB_Device.But the USB doesn't want to work, it's not recognized by the PC.I already work with...
Hi Forum,Is there any example using stm32 ARM MCUS that implements the "Dual Bank " on the fly firmware update and EEPROM emulation in the SAME application?See :https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00230416-onthefly-firmware-update-for-d...
Is there a similar guide to this: How to create project for STM32H7 with Ethernet and LwIP stack working, but instead using Azure RTOS?I know there are code examples in CubeMX but I would prefer a simple step-by-step guide including the CubeMX confi...
I want to programming my STM32 MCU using OTA programming MCU is connected to SWD or UART with WIFI module for communicate but i don't know how can i do it?
While looking at the rcc registers, you can see the ICSCR register on the debug screen, but when I write on the program, I encounter an error, I wonder what is the reason.
The code after the LAN speed auto detection is this :line 443 @stm32f4xx_hal_eth.c if((phyreg & PHY_SPEED_STATUS) == PHY_SPEED_STATUS) { /* Set Ethernet speed to 10M following the auto-negotiation */ (heth->Init).Speed = ETH_SPEED_10M; } ...
Why we need Bootloader, what is the tool to implement this, How to interface it, what are the Security features available in Bootloader?