Resolved! Has anyone used the Azure Nx MQTT Client ?
How can I fix this issue ?Error: Invalid Register Name for _ipsr ( can't find ipsr)#ifndef TX_MISRA_ENABLE register unsigned int _ipsr __asm("ipsr"); #endif
How can I fix this issue ?Error: Invalid Register Name for _ipsr ( can't find ipsr)#ifndef TX_MISRA_ENABLE register unsigned int _ipsr __asm("ipsr"); #endif
As long as the VDDUSB supply is from 3.0V to 3.6V and is the last to be applied and first removed (vs. VDD), there should be no issues?
Hi! demonstrate, that we need an AT comman...
HelloI've managed to get the 'FLASH_EraseProgram' example program for the Nucleo-F413ZH that comes with 'STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.0' working on a Nucleo-F413ZH board.It erases sectors 2 to 15 and fills them with data - i.e. 0x78563412 that shows up repe...
at_modem_signalling.c fRspAnalyze_CGMR() line 1583. In L4 the compiler is v5, on U5 the compiler is v6. It seems the main issue is that the device_info pointer is not initialized before this code executes. CS_get_device_info() is called later after C...
Hello everyone, I am making a USB Composite Device according to the article - I use stm32l4xx, instead of the HAL_PCDEx_PMAConfig() functions, I use the HAL_PCDEx_SetTxFiFo()/...
Hi, I have some questions about the STM32 UART bootloader. I've never used this technology, so the questions might be trivial, but I couldn't find detailed information on the internet.Question 1 - In all the tutorials I found, development boards or e...
I am developing a project for the L082 (as we have stock of these) but am currently using the L152 discovery board to get things started. This is going well but I thought that I would try the DFU mode to allow easier field software updates. I tried...
Switched from another processor to the STM32H750 on updated boards, and trying to keep the PC communication the same so it is seamless (or as seamless as can be) for the user experience. Previous boards connected up to Windows as a Generic Bulk Devic...
I would like to download code from Raspberry Pi to NUCLEO-H743ZI2 board. On RPi, I use STM32flash app and 2 GPIOs for NUCLEO's NRST & BOOT0. STM32flash generates the signals properly (I see that current STM32 application does not start) and I acquire...