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I'm trying to build a project using FileX in standalone mode (without ThreadX dependecies). According to Microsoft's documentation the FX_STANDALONE_ENABLE flag must be defined in order to disable the use of ThreadX specifics (timers, semaphores etc....
Setting the FX_STANDALONE_ENABLE flag should disable all ThreadX specific code when building a FileX project. However there is actually some code related to ThreadX timers that is generated within a USER CODE section, defining the FX_STM32_SD_CURRENT...
Hi, I’m using FreeRTOS + LWIP + FatFS to host an embedded webserver on the STM32F765. Directly from startup the application goes into prvIdleTask, after one iteration through each of my 2 tasks. I believe the error is due to the FreeRTOS variables an...
I'm trying to generate a project using the AzureRTOS software expansion package. When generating code through STM32CubeIDE the correct files are generated (I'm using a GNU ARM compiler), however when I set the Makefile option in CubeMX some files are...
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