There appears to be a minor bug in HAL_TIM_IRQHandler(), in stm32f7xx_hal_tim.c SUMMARY:There's a line-of-code that works, b...
If i am generating PWM pulse by uing TIM1 (PA8) my ethernnet not worming? for ethernet config i m using CMSIS lib provided by STPwm configuration is s follows RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA, ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph...
License have been expired after 07/31/2022, will it be re-newed?
The function "__weak void HAL_SYSTICK_Callback()" is implemented in "stm32f4xx_hal_cortex.c"I overwrite it in the "main.c", I compiled project, but my project still does not work.void HAL_SYSTICK_Callback(void) { HAL_IncTick(); }Why am I wrong ?Wher...
Hello!I'm working on a STM32H743I use a USB DEVICE driver (pins PB14 and PB15) : only AF12 is possibleI also use a SD card driver (PC8 ... PC12) : only AF12 is possible(Alternate function mapping is described in the datasheet
Hi,I'm trying to use a STM32F746 to record SPDIF_Rx to SD card. I'm already got some data and save to SD card.I use HAL_SPDIFRX_ReceiveDataFlow_DMA(&hspdif, (uint32_t*)&BufferCtl.pcm_buff_32[0], AUDIO_IN_PCM_BUFFER_HALF_SIZE)and HAL_SPDIFRX_RxHalfC...
Using Firmware Package "STCubeFW_F4_V1.25.0" in CubeMX appears to cause various issues with generating code for USB HID mode. I was originally able to get a USB HID project working by following the USB HID Custom Device Lab tutorial (found here https...
Is there STM32G4 USBD CMSIS Driver? Because latest (1.5.0) package for G4 doesnt include it. There is an example for CDC, but nothing for CMSIS and RTOS. Seems kinda weird.