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a bug in make a event of freertos by cubemx

Hello, I am trying to generate initialisation code for CubeIDE using MX. Functions starting with ‘xevent’ compile successfully in CubeIDE, but in MDK it reports an error indicating that ‘)’ is missing before the function. Do you have any idea what is...

szw by Associate
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Stuck in RTC_EnterInitMode

After connecting to a X-NUCLEO-LPM01A board for power consumption test , RTC init will not end.Stuck in this while loop:  tickstart = HAL_GetTick(); /* Wait till RTC is in INIT state and if Time out is reached exit */ while ((hrtc->Instance-...

DS.4 by Senior II
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OpenAMP FreeRTOS PingPong demo isn't working on the Nucleo-H745ZI-Q with the M4 getting hung waiting for the resource table to be configured by the M7

BackgroundFirmware STM32Cube FW_H7 V1.9.0MCU Reference STM32H745ZITxToolchain STM32CubeIDEI created a new STM32 project targeting the Nucleo-H745ZI-Q enabling the OpenAMP Middleware along with FreeRTOS. Referencing the project for the Disco board, I ...

Restarting the ethernet + OS

Hello everyone.What is the proper procedure when restarting the entire ethernet?Im using LWIP and FreeRTOS and im not sure if im restarting everything correctly...These are the steps im using.Terminate TCP Server thread. netif_set_down(&gnetif); neti...

XD by Associate III
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LWIP RX_POOL problem

I am using FreeRTOS and lwIP (callback api) on the STM32F407. I have 1 UDP and 2 TCP ports. After a few hours, the struct pbuf_custom *p = LWIP_MEMPOOL_ALLOC(RX_POOL); operation returns NULL. When I checked the ethernetif.c file, I noticed that the E...

UDP MTU Fragmentation on a STM32

I'm using the LWIP library and STM32F407. I’m trying to send a 1860 bytes  through Ethernet using UDP protocol, exceeding the Ethernet MTU (1500 bytes) so my data is fragmented. I´ve used some programs to test If I could read UDP stream, but nothing ...

MTasso by Associate
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