STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! HAL_UART_Receive_DMA only receive last byte

Hi, i want use usart DMA to receive data, but i only get last data by HAL_UART_Receive_DMA. STM32U575VITXSTM32CUBEMX 6.8.0STM32CubeIDE 1.12.0 the transmit data is $$......##my code is in main functionwhen i use HAL_UART_Receive(), i can get correct d...

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alyssa by Associate III
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STM32C071 USB stack

I just started looking at the STM32C071 family as an alternative to the STM32F042 and STM32F072 we currently use. To my disappointment the USB stack for the C071 is a total mess (dozens of files and complete spaghetti) and on top of that it seems to ...

STM32F7 USB endpoint stuck

Hello,I found an interesting problem with the USB controller. Our device uses MCU STM32F756, with USB in FS Device mode.We have a total of three USB IN endpoints, controlled via Azure RTOS / USBX middleware. With a heavy load on USB endpoints, someti...

PeBo by Associate
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RTC Wake-Up from Stop3 on STM32U545RE

I would like to use the Stop3 low-power mode on an STM32U545RE (NUCLEO-U545RE-Q board) and to wake-up the device by the RTC. I have a working example for Stop2 mode for which I largely used the inspiration from the stm32u5 workshop. But when I replac...

TNaum by Associate III
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Help building from STM32CubeF3

Hello there! I'm trying to build a blinky program using make I'm using HAL, and the CMSIS V2 FreeRTOS ports/sources from My program compiles, but it doesn't blink, and I have no idea of ho...

laplaga by Associate II
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