On a STM32G030 MCU, i have Timer-1 (Channel 2) configured in "Input Capture Mode" and is running at 4 Mhz (64 prescaled by 16), So effectively the TIM1 counter increments at every 0.25uS. This is used to measure "On time" of a LED strobe-Light on a G...
I'm trying to output a triangular wave, i'm very new to this so let me know if i'm doing anything wrong. I'm using stm32 f3 discovery board with stm32f303vc, I selected circular mode, started timer 7 with some frequency and update event mode, configu...
Hi everyone, I am currently working on a project that involves running an HTTPS server on the STM32H563 microcontroller using the Cyclone TCP stack and ThreadX. As part of our evaluation process, I built the HTTPS server demo project (FreeRTOS) on a ...
HI, I am trying to implement ST7567 GLCD (128x64) with SPI on my STM32G0B1RCT6 MCU. Unfortunately i am not getting the Example Driver, i tried my self but there is no improvement, So Any one Kindly send me the STM32 related ST7567 GLCD Example
How to enable HRTIMER system faults? I have successfully used faults coming from other peripherals to turn off HRTIMER outputs (e.g. internal comparators), but can't get system hard faults to produce the same result. I have enabled all faults in the ...
Hello Support Team,I have configured SPI2 (for STM32H745 board)from STM32Cube configuration and enable global interrupt.I have used simple HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_IT() API for transmit as well as receive the data.But In IRQ handler no any interrupt g...
Hi,I have developed a Keyboard using USB communication protocol and i am facing an issue, when i want to debug the code and parallelly i want to see whether the alphabet is printing or not. This is not happening when i want to see both simultaneously...
Hey, I am trying to find drivers for a 320x240 adafruit display that work on the STM32U5 without using the HAL. I cannot seem to find anyone who has a ST7789 driver that does not use the HAL. Have any of you used the ST7789 with the STM32U5? Any help...
In the STM32H5 HAL, the file stm32h5xx_util_i3c.h was not included in the compilation list because it does not contain protection with the #if defined (USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER) flag, even though it uses the LL driver. This absence of protection results in...