STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Control AD5262 via HAL SPI Library

Hi, I am writing a driver for the AD5262 digital potentiometer, which uses SPI type serial but requires a 9 bit data format. I would much rather use the HAL SPI library (which has worked on similar AD family pots) and not use bitbanging. However the ...

EPala.2 by Associate III
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STM32H745 - Shared memory definitions

Hey,I use STM32H745ZI, I want to create an area for shared memory between the cores, I chose AXI SRAM because I need access as fast as possible for the M7 core.The shared memory is intended solely for shared information between the cores.I have two q...

ACohe.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! Ensuring that IWDG running

On STM32F401 or any STM32,how can I read back the status of IWDG, ensuring that's it's running, as a safety measure?As I know direct counter value is not accessible, that would be ideal to see that it's not stuck. How to detect if LSI (thus IWDG) sto...

mrx23 by Associate III
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Issue with HTS211 - HardFault Handler

Hi ST Community,I'm using the B-L475E-IOT01A card and I have a problem. As soon as I run my code in Debug mode, I get the HardFault Handler (SIGTRAP) error. I want to use the HTS221 temperature sensor and I'm using the BSP for this sensor (hts211.h)....

MathieuOKS_0-1704828542054.png MathieuOKS_1-1704828582371.png

Firmware upgrade using IAP method

I'm looking for an OTA feature using IAP method on STM32H563 using USART communication. I wanted to know, if there is any IAP library available in C for the same along with the documentation, which I can make use of.Regards,

Resolved! STM32L1 system bootloader erase

Hi everyone,I am using an STM32h7 to program an STM32L151 using the system bootloader through usart.When I ask for the supported commands, I get that the erase command is between them but, surprisingly, when I try to use it I get a nack.Then I read t...

AGhez by Associate III
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Resolved! stm32l496vgtx

is it possible to configure external voltage reference in stm32l496vgtx? this feature is there belongs to this board.

prabhu2 by Associate
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