STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! HAL and concurrency.

I am wondering if HAL functions have some builtin protection mechanism or if I have to wrap them around a  semaphore/mutex take/give. For example, if two tasks call `HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1);` or `HAL_UART_Receive_IT`, what will happen? Shall I use a se...

ubaldot by Senior
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stm32f746 uclinux kernel build toolchain

hi,i'm trying to build the kernel source on the stm32f746-discoi'have forked github link of kernel source the step discriptions,-->>Steps to make the uImage :1) use `make stm32f746_disco_defconfig' to ...

Fish by Associate II
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location using SIM800L GSM MODULE

Hi Community,I am trying to integrate SIM800L module with STM32F103C6T6 using UART (POLL method), code given below, but all I am getting a response is a single char 'A' or sometimes a random value as shown in screenshots. I have also tried setting up...

live_debug_HALTIMEOUT.PNG response.PNG

Get AUTOIP working on lwIP

Hello forum,I'm working in STM32CubeIDE with the STM32F107VCT6 on a custom board which successfully run a TCP Server application using Ethernet communication + FREERTOS + lwIP and I'm struggling in enabling AUTOIP feature.My custom board need to be I...

Spaghetto by Associate III
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