STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Uart configuration STM32G0

Hi, There is possible to set up USART2 on PA2 and PA15? In documentation in both pins is possible to use USART2 (PA2 as TX and PA15 as RX).I try do it, but I don't get interrupt when data is send to RX pin. On Uart1 (PA9, PA10)  it's work correct. Fo...

arekj by Associate II
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SD Card remove and reinsert

fresult1 = f_mount(&myFATAFS, SDPath, 1) while(FR_OK != fresult1){If I remove and reinsert the SD card the f_mount return FR_DISK_ERR instead FR_OK.If I restart the project all is OK.I have the SD_CARD present pin, what can i do when the card is disc...

IlConte by Associate III
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Hi everyone, I am creating a project via STM32CUBEMX (V.6.4.0) for STM32G070 including AzureRTOS, however, I've encountered an issue using tx_thread_sleep function.

I've tried to create a simple project which includes 2 threads. Each thread toggles two separate pins respectively . To create a 10 ms delay, I am using tx_thread_sleep (TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND is 100) . Everything works okay, however, I've noticed...

MR.16 by Associate
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