STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! Function body has content of opposite function

Hallo,I struggled already two days with the implementation of USB_OTG_FS on a STM32F401 board. The most prominent error concerns the Virtual Com Port on the Windows PC: whatever I try, there is always a message saying "USB device not recognized", wit...

FredS by Senior
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Resolved! There is a problem with audio playback on the STM32L4.

  STM32L4에서 오디오 재생 에 문제가 있습니다 .   이는 IAR 컴파일러의 경고 메시지입니다. 경고[Lt009]: 일관성 없는 wchar_t 크기 mp3d_htab_armv4.o(lib_mp3decoder_cortex_m4_v2.2.0.a)에는 wchar_t 크기 16비트 Audio_player.o 및 164개의 다른 개체가 있으며, 그 중 일부는 dl7M_tlf.a에 있고 90개의 다른 라이브러리에는 wchar_t 크기 32비트 Mo...

JKim.15 by Associate II
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STM32U5 sleep

hi all,i am developing a project using stm32u585 microcontroller which can connect to the external devices using ethernet and USB protocols.i need to put the controller in sleep or any low power mode when ever a sleep command is reached through the U...

sabari1 by Associate III
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What is limiting the UDP Rx?

Hey folks. My question up there is probably a bit vague.I'll try to formulate it more precisely and what I've done so far.So first of all, I don't use RTOS.I have a few data mapping and sending functions in my main loop. Actually, I should also put M...

Yoschii97 by Associate III
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Resolved! IAP Jump to application not working

I am using STM32Cube Version: 1.15.0 Build: 20695_20240315_1429 (UTC) and on an STM32F767ZGTx with FW_F7 V1.17.1I have a running and tested application for which I am now including FW Update from SDCard.I got two examples on which to base the new cod...