STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Missing define for SPI6I2S on STM32H7

Some STM32H7 MCUs have I2S capability on SPI6, but the HAL does not define "SPI_SPI6I2S_SUPPORT" for all of them. The ones with the missing define gets the prescaler computed wrong if the clock for SPI123 and SPI6 is different. Has HAL support:H7B3H7...

S58D4J by Associate
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My Pack Couldt add

Hello. i have installed my pack but it wasn't on the left side. (I-CUBE-RBUF)But other packs added before. when i installed from local disk. it works.

nimaltd by Senior
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Ram Function hard fault on return.

I have a STM32L476RG Nucleo-64, and I am trying to run code from ram, but whenever I do it, it makes it to the function but does not execute the code, and on return it hard faults. I am not trying to put all code in ram just one function. /* USER COD...

Resolved! ADC Read Maximizing Precision and Accuracy

Hello community,I'm looking for some feedback on how to optimize the ADC peripheral when using a handful of single-ended channels.I have an STM32H735G-DK and have 4 NTC3950 type thermistors connected to 4 of the Analog pins from the Arduino headers, ...

taylors by Associate II
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USB VCP Get_SerialNum

Hello Everybody, I use STM32CubeIDE1.15.0 Build: 20695_20240315_1429 and a custom board with a STM32303RE inside.I use the IOC interface to set the virtual port com. Everything work fine, just a detail: when i connect, then disconnect and reconnect t...

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Bootloading from SD card STM32F4

I'm facing difficulties bootloading or upgrading firmware on an STM32F405 MCU from an SD card.Could anyone recommend a library or resource for achieving this? I've already tried a few methods but haven't had any success. Any help would be greatly app...

Resolved! Array for GPIO pins

Hello,   I am new to STM world. I am trying to make an array of GPIO pin in this format {{PIN1_GPIO_PORT, PIN1_PIN}..... This would then be used in custom function so I can dynamically access this pins. How should I declare such array and how would i...

Huzo by Associate III
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