Procedure for install ST LINK /V2 for STM32F302R8
Information about my computer, No St-Link device detectWhy.
Information about my computer, No St-Link device detectWhy.
Hi all, for those who are trying to use an external power supply on the STM32F746G-DISCO, yesterday we found that on the two cards we are using for our development, the solder on JP2 connector creates a shortcut... preventing the card to be used tha...
i'm using IAR embedded workbench and stm32f4 discovery board and j-link.i wanna try download application via SWD (J-Link) connection. So, first i remove CN3 jumper. and soldering resistor R2.but still can't download application. (IAR and st-link is ...
Hi,Is it possible to get Eagle schematics files for the DISCOVERY_STM32F429I, DISCOVERY_STM32F469I and the STM32_Nucleo-F429ZI ?Alternatively and export from Altium to ACCEL ASCII format would be fine.Or does anyone know of a way to convert Altium to...
Hello,I'm working for the first time with an ST-LINK V2 on a Windows 10 laptop, and it doesn't work with an MCU or without it.I am trying to isolate a problem, so I connecteed the ST-LINK on its own, without any attached wires, besides the USB that c...
When I try to connect to the board from CubeIDE I always get an error message. At first I was lacking GLIBCXX_3.4.2, but now that it has been installed, it still cannot connect.If I use STM32CubeProgrammer, I can read and write to the board withou is...
ST-LINK Utility can't open After uninstalling and install again also can't open How to solve this?Thanks
hi I have some of nucleo boards(F446ZE, F303RE and stlinkv2) for the test before make the board.A weeks ago, I uploaded skecth files by arduino IDE with st-link v2.(I saw st-link v2 doesn't have VCP, but it works with COM port when i just plug st-lin...
Hello,I am using STLINK v2 to program STM32F051C8 MCU but the ST-LINK Utility is showing 'unable to detect the device' and asking for different settings. I have tried different settings such as 'connect under reset',set frequency ~1 MHz from connecti...
Hello. Please helping me with solving this problem.I used Truestudio to write data into external sdram.Now, I want to see the data in sdram by using st-link utility instead of the debuging system in truestudio itself. (because of Liveupdate system, i...