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Hello, I am trying to write a simple hello world in order to make printf work with my setup. I have an own board, which I am programming it using ST-Link V3set (I also couldn't get it to work with ST-Link V2). I can program my board, debug it, I can ...
Hello, I made a customboard using STM32f217VET microcontroller and KSZ8081 PHY (builtin pull-up resistors for TXP TXM and RXP RXM). I Configured my board to use MII mode, anda I used a 25MHz oscillator to do so. As you can see it is missing a 1k pull...
Posted on March 16, 2018 at 16:57Hello, I have an olimexe407 board and I am creating an array with floats (-1 to 1) that I'm calculating and then I am converting them to q31 into 3 different buffers.I initially tried doing this converting it to one ...
Posted on February 27, 2018 at 23:00Hello, I am building an application in olimex e407. It's running FreeRTOS, lwIP, I'm running the ADC @10kHz triggered by timer and getting the data via DMA and I also want to communicate with an external uC via UA...
Posted on February 27, 2018 at 01:32Hello,I am doing a project in which I am using the FFT to do some calculations for a determined signal. I get real data from the ADC and then process it with the FFT.I noticed that the FFt give me an incorrect out...
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